ProCE Banner Activity

MRD Testing in NSCLC to Personalize Patient Care


It is critical to determine risk of recurrence in NSCLC to personalize patient care. MRD testing has emerged as a valuable tool to stratify by patient risk, detect recurrences earlier than standard imaging, and monitor for treatment response.

Join Dr. Krainock and Dr. Gligich to learn about the clinical utility of Signatera, the most widely utilized MRD assay.

Released: March 05, 2025

Expiration: March 04, 2026

Sponsored By

Natera Oncology

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Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:

  • Learn how Signatera MRD testing aids in clinical decision making

  • Which patients are at highest risk of recurrence, and may benefit from additional treatment?

  • Can you identify recurrence earlier than standard imaging techniques, and is this valuable?

  • Which patients are not responding to systemic treatment, and may benefit from early escalation or switching of treatment regimens?